Everything You Need to Know About Fantom

All you need to know about FTM

Fantom is emerging as a game-changing platform in the blockchain industry, designed to address the critical challenges of scalability, speed and efficiency that traditional blockchain technologies struggle with. This comprehensive exploration delves into Fantom’s foundation, its revolutionary architecture, its significant impact on the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector, and its promising future.

Introduction to Fantom

Fantom distinguishes itself with an innovative approach aimed at overcoming the inherent limitations of conventional blockchain frameworks. Launched in 2018 by Dr. Ahn Byung Ik, and further developed with the expertise of Michael Kong and Andre Cronje, Fantom has quickly established itself as a formidable force in the blockchain world. The launch of its mainnet in December 2019 was a pivotal moment, signaling Fantom’s potential to redefine the boundaries of blockchain technology.

The inception of Fantom was driven by a clear vision to create a blockchain platform that excels in scalability, efficiency, and adaptability. This vision aimed to directly address the critical issues of transaction speed and scalability, which have long been stumbling blocks for traditional blockchain technologies. By setting new benchmarks for these key performance indicators, Fantom aimed to unlock the full potential of blockchain applications across various sectors, from finance to supply chain management and beyond.

Fantom’s development was guided by the principle of creating a more inclusive and efficient blockchain ecosystem. The team behind Fantom recognized the need for a platform that could support a high volume of transactions without compromising on security or decentralization. This led to the exploration of alternative blockchain architectures and consensus mechanisms, culminating in the creation of a platform that stands out for its innovative approach to solving the blockchain trilemma.

Architectural Innovation: DAG and Lachesis

Central to Fantom’s innovation is its departure from traditional blockchain architecture in favor of a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) structure. This strategic shift is crucial for achieving high transaction throughput and scalability, effectively tackling the blockchain trilemma of balancing security, decentralization, and scalability.

Blockchain and DAG
Blockchain and DAG

The Lachesis consensus mechanism, a cornerstone of Fantom’s architecture, introduces several groundbreaking features:

  • Its asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerant trait enables Fantom to support up to one-third of nodes, even if they act maliciously, enhancing the network’s security and resilience.
  • The leaderless nature of the system underscores Fantom’s commitment to decentralization, ensuring that no single participant has undue influence over block production.
  • Transactions on the Fantom network are confirmed within an average of 1 to 2 seconds, achieving near-instant finality and significantly improving the user experience.
A validator’s block DAG
A validator’s block DAG

The operational workflow of Lachesis is meticulously designed to ensure the network’s efficiency and security:

  1. The process begins with the synchronization of nodes, establishing a cohesive network state.
  2. Random node selection algorithms are employed to initiate the creation of the next block, democratizing the block production process.
  3. Immediate communication between selected nodes follows, facilitating a transparent and efficient consensus mechanism.
  4. These nodes then synchronize with the Fantom Open Chain, overseeing the block creation and information verification process to maintain the integrity of the network.
  5. The newly created block is broadcast to all selected nodes within the network, ensuring widespread validation and acceptance.
  6. A general consensus process then rigorously verifies the new block’s validity before its integration into the valid DAG, reinforcing the network’s trustworthiness.
  7. This cycle repeats for the creation of subsequent blocks, underpinning the continuous operation and security of the Fantom network.

Unveiling Fantom’s DeFi Ecosystem

Fantom’s smart contract platform, powered by the native FTM token, lays the foundation for a vibrant DeFi ecosystem. Its compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) facilitates the seamless migration and integration of Ethereum-based projects, enriching the Fantom ecosystem with a wide array of applications and services.

The introduction of Fantom’s stablecoin, fUSD, pegged 1:1 with the US dollar, marks a strategic enhancement of its DeFi ecosystem. This stablecoin underpins various DeFi initiatives, from decentralized exchanges to lending protocols, contributing to Fantom’s significant total value locked (TVL) in DeFi protocols. The technical capabilities of the platform and its potential to drive innovation in the financial sector are underlined by the success of fUSD and other DeFi projects on Fantom.

Fantom's ecosystem keeps growing
The Fantom ecosystem keeps growing! Source: @FantomFDN

Fantom’s DeFi ecosystem is characterized by its openness, accessibility, and innovation. Developers are attracted to the platform’s high performance and flexibility, enabling them to build and deploy complex financial applications that can scale efficiently. It provides access to financial services with greater transparency, security and efficiency than traditional financial services. This vibrant ecosystem not only demonstrates Fantom’s technical prowess but also its commitment to fostering a more inclusive and decentralized financial landscape.

The Multifaceted Role of the FTM Token

The FTM token is integral to the Fantom ecosystem, serving multiple critical functions that underscore its importance. It secures the network, validates transactions, and powers the governance mechanism, enabling token holders to participate in staking and influence the network’s future direction. Beyond its utility in transaction fees, the FTM token fosters a sense of community and active participation, playing a pivotal role in the ecosystem’s operation and development.

From securing the network through staking to enabling participation in governance decisions, the versatility of the FTM token extends to various aspects of the Fantom platform. This multifunctionality not only enhances the token’s value but also deepens user engagement with the Fantom platform.

Staking rewards and governance incentives encourage long-term holding and active involvement in the network’s governance, aligning the interests of token holders with the overall health and growth of the Fantom ecosystem.

The strategic distribution of the FTM token reflects Fantom’s comprehensive approach to tokenomics, with a total supply of 3.175 billion FTM tokens. This distribution strategy supports the platform’s long-term vision and stability, ensuring Fantom’s sustained growth and development. The careful planning and execution of token distribution have been instrumental in establishing a solid foundation for Fantom’s future, fostering a robust and engaged community around the platform.

Fantom’s Impact and Future Prospects

Fantom’s suite of innovative solutions and robust platform have cemented its status as a key player in the blockchain and DeFi sectors. Its unique DAG-based architecture and Lachesis consensus mechanism have set new benchmarks for speed, scalability, and security in blockchain technology. As Fantom continues to evolve, its impact on decentralized applications and the broader blockchain ecosystem is expected to grow, driving further advancements in the field.

The future of Fantom looks bright, with ongoing developments and expansions poised to enhance its ecosystem and technology further. The platform’s commitment to innovation, coupled with its growing community of developers and users, suggests a promising trajectory for Fantom. As blockchain technology continues to mature, Fantom’s innovative approach and dedication to solving the blockchain trilemma will likely play a pivotal role in shaping the future of decentralized applications and financial systems.


Fantom represents a significant leap forward in the quest for a more scalable, efficient, and user-friendly blockchain solution. Its innovative use of DAG technology and the Lachesis consensus mechanism highlights the potential for blockchain evolution, offering a glimpse into the future of decentralized technologies.

As Fantom continues to develop and expand its ecosystem, it stands as a testament to the transformative power of innovation, promising to overcome the challenges faced by traditional blockchain systems and to play a pivotal role in the evolution of the blockchain landscape.

About Patricia Cowley 2 Articles
Patricia Cowley has been a cryptocurrency investor and blockchain researcher for 7 years. With her extensive experience in cryptocurrencies, she brings vibrant content and shares her insightful opinions with the crypto community.